How to Learn Python FAST with ChatGPT in 2024 from Scratch

A Beginner Friendly Approach to Python Mastery!

3 min readJan 1, 2024
Python snake thinking, how to print "Hello World!" in python by author

As a data scientist who uses Python daily, I often get asked by beginners how I would recommend learning Python from scratch. With the rise of chatbots like Chat GPT, many are wondering if AI assistants can be effective teachers. In this post, I’ll share my perspective on how I would use ChatGPT to learn Python as a complete beginner.

1. Start With The Basics:

When learning a new programming language, it’s important to start with the fundamentals. I would ask Chat Gpt questions like:

  • What are the basic data types in Python?
  • How do I assign variables and print strings?
  • What are lists, tuples, dictionaries in Python?
  • How do I write conditional statements like if/else?
  • How do I construct for and while loops?

The goal is to get comfortable with the basic building blocks before diving deeper. Chat Gpt can provide simple code examples and clear explanations of concepts.

2. Write Some Simple Programs:

Once I have the basics down, I would start writing simple programs to apply what I’ve learned. Here are some ideas I would have ChatGPT help me with:

  • A program to convert Celsius to Fahrenheit
  • A script to find the largest number in a list
  • A Mad Libs word game
  • A text based calculator
  • A number guessing game

Writing mini programs reinforces new syntax and helps me connect concepts. I would ask Chat Gpt to provide starter code and have it walk through examples.

3. Learn Key Libraries:

After getting experience with Python’s core features, I would want to learn popular libraries used by data scientists and developers. The main ones I would focus on are:

  • Numpy for numerical computing
  • Pandas for data analysis
  • Matplotlib for data visualization

For each library, I would ask Chat Gpt for an overview, real-world examples, and practice exercises to apply them. Building projects with these libraries prepares me for more advanced Python work.

4. Discover Project Ideas:

Once I have a good Python foundation, I would leverage Chat Gpt to generate project ideas I can build to level up my skills. For inspiration, I would ask:

  • What are some beginner Python projects using Pandas and Matplotlib?
  • Can you provide some intermediate coding project ideas that would demonstrate Python proficiency?

ChatGPT can provide ideas tailored to my abilities like a weather dashboard, 2D game, or data analysis web app. Implementing these projects gives me valuable hands-on experience.


Learning to code takes time and practice, but AI assistants like Chat Gpt can accelerate the process by providing customized examples, explanations, and project ideas. While not a substitute for hands-on coding, Chat Gpt is an excellent supplement for picking up Python fundamentals and exploring new concepts. With some creativity, curious beginners can utilize Chat Gpt to kickstart their Python coding journey.

Hope it will help you in your 🐍 journey…🚀

Photo by Dayne Topkin on Unsplash

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I'm a Data Scientist & Renewable Energy geek 🌱 Exploring Data📊, Green tech🌍, and Innovation💡 Hope to write on Data Science, Life, & Everything in between ;)